Welcome to the European Board of Pediatric Surgery Examination Section!
Within these pages you will be able to read more about the European Board of Paediatric Surgery, information about forthcoming examinations, eligibility criteria, examiners, examination team and examiners.
While the European Examinations Sections under UEMS are not to be considered as formal qualifications, their quality and renown have increased significantly over the past few years. As a result, some countries recognise European Board of Paediatric Surgery examinations as part of their national examination.
Who we are
The UEMS Section European Board of Pediatric Surgery (S-EBPS) is committed to the promotion of free movement of Paediatric Surgeons across the European Union while ensuring the highest quality of medical care for European citizens.
The UEMS S-EBPS has developed standards and policies in the key areas of post graduate training, continuing medical education and professional development.
Since 1999 quality assurance in Paediatric Surgery has been maintained by the European Board Paediatric Surgery Examination: a fair, reproducible, standardised, two part examination which is considered a Mark of Quality and Excellence in Paediatric Surgery all over the world.
There are 19 examiners from around the world who act as European Examiners. Our examiners give freely of their time to attend all examinations, write MCQ and OSCE Questions, and attending question setting weekends, and for this we thank them. Many examiners are exam candidates who achieved the “Best Candidate” Award when sitting their own exam. There is a structure for new examiners, who are vetted by the current Examination Board. If you are interested, please contact the exam office.
The European Board of Paediatric Surgery now aligns itself with other European Boards in awarding a Fellowship Certificate to candidates who pass European Examinations.
All Candidates who successfully sit the Part Two examination will be awarded the Fellowship of the European Board of Paediatric Surgery and will be entered on the Register as a certified Fellow of The European Board of Paediatric Surgery. Previous candidates who received the Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training or the Diploma in Paediatric Surgery from EBPS are eligible to apply for this new Fellowship Certificate by contacting EBPS.
Forthcoming examinations
March 2025
Part 1: 22nd March
Spaces available
March 2025
Part 1: 22nd March
Spaces available
March 2025
Part 1: 22nd March
Spaces available
March 2025
Part 1: 22nd March
Spaces available
March 2025
Part 1: 22nd March
Spaces available
March 2025
Part 1: 22nd March
Spaces available
April 2025
Tawam Hospital, Al Ain, UAE
Part 1: 11th April
Fully booked
April 2025
Tawam Hospital, Al Ain Places Available
Part 2: 12th-13th April
Spaces available
May 2025
Part 1: 23rd May
Spaces available
October 2025
Part 2: 10th-11th October
Spaces available